Our next tournament is a rated quad at the La Farge library in Santa Fe. Players are divided into groups of 4 by rating and then play the other 3 in their quad. 3 rounds G/60;d5. Rounds at 10:15 (lunch) 1 and 3:15. Entry is $10. 1st in each quad wins $30. To enter send me an email to jdjohnston100@gmail and then pay in the parking lot before the library opens at 10.
Players list
Jim Johnston
Eric Johnston
Bird Thompson
Annabelle Romero
Alfredo Vigil
The library is on Llano street between St Michaels and Siringo. If you are coming from ABQ ....from the I-25 take the St. Francis exit. At the 3rd light go L onto Siringo. Then make a R at the 2nd light onto Llano.