Friday, March 25, 2016

Rooks Action on April 16th

Our next event is at the La Farge library in Santa Fe on the 16th of April. Play 5 rounds. G/30 ;d5  Rounds at  10:15   11:30   lunch    1:30  2:45 and  4.  If  there are 18 or more entries we will form 2 sections.  Entry is $10.  Prizes bases on entries.  For directions ...scroll down.  To enter either send your check for $10 to Santa Fe Rooks,  84 Moya Road,  Santa Fe,  NM  87508,  OR you could just email me to book your spot and then pay at the door,  IF you arrive before 10.
Player List 
Jim Johnston               1803
Mark Galassi               1694
Peter Lattimore            1669
Aubrey O'Neal             1509
Andrew Ackerson        1410
Eric Johnston               1400
Elizabeth Cooper         1228
Anandakumar               989
Sarah Salmonson          Unr.

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