Monday, August 23, 2010

Results posted

34 players made it to Saturday's tournament, with seven quads and a swiss section. Congratualations to our winners! Thanks to Dave Poston for helping with organizing. It turned out we had a separate room for the school age players, who finished in a couple of hours.

We have made the same arrangements for the September 11 tournament, which will be a four round G/45 Octagons. Sign up today!

The results have been submitted to USCF and should appear on their website shorty.

Quad One- tie
Carlos Santillan (2)
Sam Dooley (2)

Quad Two- tie
Leroy Quintana (2)
Nitant Kenkre (2)

Quad Three
Oren Stevens (2 1/2)

Quad Four
Jordan Ogas (2 1/2)

Quad Five
Krishan Bhakta (3)

Quad Six- tie
Kameron Keahbone (2)
Alexander Ionkov (2)

Quad Seven- tie
Campbell Galon (2)
Dimitri Lopez (2)
Andrew Corliss (2)

Hex Eight
Andrei Popa-Simil (4)
Marcos Sanchez (3)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Saturday Quads

We have a total of 32 entries for tomorrow's quads at the Southside Library. From the north or south, take the bypass (highway 599) to Airport Rd. Go East to Country Club Dr (just after the golf course on the right. Turn Right and follow Country Club to Valentine Way, make a left and the library is on the right.

There is a no food or drink policy, besides bottled water. There is a small patio outside where we can eat, and there are some fast food places along Airport Rd.

Registration is from 10:00-10:20. First round starts at 10:30.

Here are the quads for tomorrow.

2049 Carlos Santillan
1887 Jim Johnston
1862 Sam Dooley
1816 Ramzi Hammad

1804 Caleb Jaquish
1756 Leroy Quintana
1726 Nitant Kenkre
1628 Jeff Sallade

1600 Oren Stevens
1553 Rick Lass
1494 Donald Poston
1477 Julian Trujillo

1475 Jordan Ogas
1372 Chad Robert Frantz
1327 Art Byers
1286 Dan Tellez

1158 Krishan Bhakta
1067 Harsh Bhundiya
965 Henry Poston
963 Ian Scott

926 Jeffery Jones
876 Max Corliss
809 Campbell Galon
785 Dimitri Lopez

754 Philip Ionkov
740 Alex Ionkov
736 Andrew Corliss
609 Marcos Sanchez

542 Victor Popa Simil
450 Summer Bronson
360 Andrei Popa Simil
188 Logan Douglass

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

updated entry list

Not including what may be in the mail, here is an updated entry list as of Tuesday evening.

2023 Carlos Santillan
1850 Jim Johnston
1804 Caleb Jaquish
1769 Sam Dooley
1726 Nitant Kenkre
1600 Oren Stevens
1532 Donald Poston
1475 Jordan Ogas
1372 Chad Robert Frantz
1303 Art Byers
1286 Dan Tellez
1084 Harsh Bhundiya
966 Henry Poston
930 Ian Lucero
828 Alex Ionkov
811 Philip Ionkov
809 Campbell Galon
785 Dimitri Lopez
542 Victor Popa Simil
360 Andrei Popa Simil

Saturday, August 14, 2010

We have a few entries so far, listed below. Please remember there will be no onsite entries for this tournament, and that the starting time is later than last year's were. Registration is from 10:00-10:20. Rounds begin at 10:30.

You can signup using PayPal,or mail a check to SF Rooks, POB 4764, SF NM 87502. Please feel free to email me or call me at 505-920-0540 to let me know you are entering.

Here are the entries thus far. Ratings are approximate, and will be confirmed prior to the event. I will also play if needed to round out a quad. Alternately, the lowest "quad" may be done as a swiss style with the odd number of players.

1850 Jim Johnston
1600 Oren Stevens
1303 Art Byers
1286 Dan Tellez
785 Dimitri Lopez
930 Ian Lucero
809 Campbell Galon

Also, please note we have confirmed the Southside Library for the September 11 event.
The Southside library is at the corner of Jaguar Drive and Country Club Drive. It is most easily accessed from the north and south by using the bypass (Highway 599), then taking Airport Road east to Country Club, which is located just past the golf course on the right. Turn right and the library will be on the left as you approach Jaguar Dr.

It has been pointed out by a couple of folks that it doesn't exactly make sense to have a four round octagon in terms of getting to a clear winner. For me the point of these late summer/early fall tournaments isn't necessarily for players to be focused on winning the section, but rather as an opportunity to get in a number of good games with other players in their ratings range in advance of the upcoming Santa Fe Open (September 25-26) and New Mexico Open (Nov 6-7). (See for details on those).

One last note. The October 23 tournament with G/120 is also designed with the NM Open in mind. However, for those of you who think G/120 is way too long, we will probably also offer shorter time controls. I am thinking about a morning match and an afternoon match at G/45 or G/50, for a total of four games (two each versus two opponents).

Thanks also go out to NMCO for agreeing to sponsor SF Rooks tournaments.

As always, your input about format, location, etc., is welcome.

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